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Current clamps

A current clamp – also called ‘ampere rod’ – is a particular type of an ampere meter intended to measure with alternating current or direct current.

Current clamps are very convenient measuring instruments with which one can measure current in a conductor, without having to break the circuit. If we perform power measurements with a conventional multimeter we must interrupt the wiring and connecting the device to the circuit under test. Rather, we use a clamp, then we can measure flow by surrounding the clamp around a conductor. One of the advantages of this method is that we can measure even a heavy current without turning off the circuit during a test.

Current clamps are available in many sizes and designs:

  • AC current clamps
  • AC/DC current clamps
  • Leakage current clamps (for measurement of very low currents)
  • AC current clamps (for use with multimeter or other measuring device)
  • AC/DC current clamps (for use with multimeter or other measuring device)
  • Flexible current clamps or hard beak clamps
  • Large and small beak

Air-Parts BV can propose the appropriate clamp for every application. Our main suppliers are Fluke, Kyoritsu, Beha-Amprobe, GW Instek, Sonel and Uni-T.

Do you have a specific application and would like advice about which meter is best suited, do not hesitate to contact us. Our specialists will gladly assist you.