Function generators

A signal or function generator is an electronic measuring instrument that acts as a variable voltage source and can produce various waveforms, such as sinusoids, square and sawtooth waveforms. Function generators are widely used in electronics, for example for testing components, measuring impedance and testing complete circuits, including audio and communications equipment.

Good Will Instruments Co.LTD, founded in 1975, was Taiwan's first specialist manufacturer of electrical test and measurement equipment.

Functie Generatoren GW Instek (1)

GW Instek


  • Various models available: Arbitrary Function Generator, DDS (Direct Digital Synthesised) and Analogue function generators.
  • Suitable for industry, scientific research and education.
  • High sample rate and bandwidth.
  • Basic models specifically for education.
  • AM/FM signal generators and audio generators for specialist applications.

GW Instek started as a manufacturer of power supplies and quickly grew into a developer of precision electronic test and measurement instruments. GW Instek has built a strong reputation as a renowned brand, with a focus on quality, affordable solutions for education and industry, and an appreciation for integrity and innovation.


Power meters and analysers

LCR Meters

Electrical safety testers

Resistance meters


Spectrum analyser

Digital multimeter


Inductive sensors

High voltage testers

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